What is a “Sidekick”?
Every Hero needs a Sidekick. The Hero Foundation is a grassroots organization dedicated to helping Michigan families who are affected by cancer.
Every year, we have the honor of helping dozens of families – but we want to help MORE. That is why we need you – our Sidekicks – to help.
We are looking for event organizers who want to make a difference. You can become a Sidekick in many, many ways. Whether you’re training for a marathon, hosting a chili cook-off or having a neighborhood euchre tournament – if you are passionate about having fun while helping Michigan families, the Hero Foundation will help every step of the way.
Have an event coming up? Need some support? Submit the form below and Katie will contact you to discuss the nitty gritty details. Oh, and you get a super awesome Sidekick t-shirt too – all the more reason to help fundraise!

In addition to helping Michigan families through The Hero Foundation, Katie Larsen spends her days as an Experiential Marketing Consultant, focusing mainly on automotive clients. Katie is married to Joe and has two children, Dylan and Laney. She enjoys days on the boat and nights by the fire.