With our dedicated team in Southeast Michigan once again going the extra mile, this year’s Magnum 11 party at the Fowling Warehouse on September 14th was another fundraising success.
Sponsored by our friends at Balke’s Hard Cider, we had a swarm of moustachioed, Hawaiian shirt and Detroit Tigers hat-wearing Magnum PI doppelgangers attend this year’s event. Guests were treated to a huge prize raffle and tunes from DJ Tom T.

A massive thank you to our volunteers and all the guests that enjoyed the night’s entertainment. In the lead up to the event, Mike, August, and Konrad were honored as honorary captains before the Detroit City Football Club game. In promoting the event, they showed up in their best Magnum P.I. garb.

Keep your eyes on our Facebook page for updated on Magnum 12 and future fundraising events!

Adam Henige is President of the Hero Foundation and is passionate about helping Michigan families in need. In his spare time he enjoys traveling with his wife and following his favorite sports teams.