How do I contact someone from The Hero Foundation to make a donation?

  • Thank you for donating to The Hero Foundation!  There are many ways you can donate: online with your credit or debit card, mail a check made out to The Hero Foundation, or cash.  If you need assistance with your donation, please contact adamhenige(at)gmail(dot)com.

I want to make a credit/debit donation, but I do not like submitting my information over the web.

  • All donations made online to The Hero Foundation are 100% secure.  However, we understand that some people do not feel safe giving out personal information over the Internet.  For assistance with your donation, please contact Adam Henige at adamhenige(at)gmail(dot)com.

Is my information secure?

  • Yes, The Hero Foundation works very hard to ensure your donations are secure.  Please contact us immediately if you think there has been an issue with your online donation.

Where does my donation go?

  • When you donate to The Hero Foundation, your money is going directly towards Michigan families who are struggling with the devastating effects a cancer diagnosis brings.  Many people who are diagnosed with cancer lose their jobs or have to take time off of work in order to keep up with procedures to help them (such as surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation).  Therefore, they do not have the income to pay mortgages, car payments, utilities, etc.  We have even helped with bus passes, groceries, heaters, and clothing.  This, and many other ways,  is where your generous donation comes in.
  • A portion of the proceeds we collect are allocated towards research.  The research funding we provide pales in comparison with the help we give to families, but every little bit counts.

Can I choose if my donation goes to a family or to research?

  • Unfortunately, by law, you the donor are not allowed to designate your donation to one or the other.  The way the funds are distributed is at the discretion of The Hero Foundation.

Can I make a donation in honor or in memory of someone?

  • Yes!  We encourage it!  There is no better way to honor a loved one than to help another Michigan family.  You can do so by visiting our Donate page.

Can I donate something other than money to The Hero Foundation?

  • Absolutely!  Many of our families are in need of more than just financial help.  You can donate clothing, shoes, winter jackets, socks, blankets, food, cars, hats, gloves, suits, towels, shoes – you name it!  If you wish to make a donation of this type, please contact Adam Henige for logistics at adamhenige(at)gmail(dot)com.

Does The Hero Foundation issue tax receipts?

  • Yes, we do.  If you wish to receive a receipt for your donation, please contact any one of our Staff of Heroes.

If I have questions regarding my donation, whom do I contact?

  • If you have a question or concern regarding your donation, please contact Adam Henige at adamhenige(at)gmail(dot)com.


Myself or a loved one has cancer and needs assistance.  How do I apply for The Hero Foundation grant?

  • We are so very sorry that you or a loved one has cancer.  It’s a horrible disease – but one that CAN be overcome.  We are proof of that!  If you are looking to obtain assistance from The Hero Foundation, send an email to adamhenige(at)gmail(dot)com.

What criteria is used when choosing families to help?

  • The criteria we use to choose families to help is not very scientific.  If you have cancer and are in need of financial assistance, you must have children that are teenagers or younger (17 and below).  Parents who have a child suffering from cancer will get first consideration.

How do I know if my application has been received?

  • Once you submit your grant application, you will receive an email notification.

When will I be notified of The Hero Foundation’s decision?

  • You will be notified within 30 days of submission of The Hero Foundation decision.

If myself, my family or a loved one is chosen, how will the funds get distributed?

  • The funds will be distributed based on the needs stated in your application.  There may be instances when The Hero Foundation cannot award a financial grant; therefore, it is important to fill out the portion of the application that asks for other items needed that are not financially focused (such as clothing, groceries, etc.).
  • If a financial grant is awarded, a check will be mailed to the grantee.


I want to become a Superhero Sidekick for The Hero Foundation.  Where do I start?

  • Welcome to the team, Sidekick!  Thank you for using your time to fight the good fight!  If you have an event that you would like to raise money for The Hero Foundation, the first place you would go is the SuperHero Sidekick page and fill out the contact form.  Once that is completed, we will receive the information and someone will be in contact with you within 24 hours.
  • Other SuperHero Sidekicks have raised money with events such as: chili cook-offs, raising money while training for a marathon, Super Bowl squares, school fundraisers, restaurant fundraisers, etc. (just to give you some ideas)

Can I promote my event on The Hero Foundation website?

  • Absolutely!  And if you event requires a registration, we can set that up for you as well.  Our board will review all of this during your consultation with us.

Do I have permission to use The Hero Foundation logo on promotional items?

  • We are happy you asked.  Of course you can use our logo on your promotional materials!  The only thing we ask is that you email us a proof for approval prior to any printing or distribution.

Will The Hero Foundation help me promote my event on social media?

  • Of course!  Brad Conley, our Director of Social Media, would love to highlight your events on social media.  You can contact him at social@theherofoundationmi.org.

Does The Hero Foundation offer any type of support for my event?

  • We absolutely do!  We have banners you can use, free of charge, with The Hero Foundation logo on them.  We can also be there assisting with your event if you would like.  If there is anything you need, please let us know!

My event is over and we did a great job!  What’s next?

  • Great job!  You rock!  You can mail the check with the funds you raised to Adam Henige.  Please make the check out to The Hero Foundation.


How long have you been a 501c3 nonprofit organization?

  • We have been raising money under The Hero Foundation since 2009.  However, we received our 501c3 nonprofit status in February of 2012.

What hospitals are you affiliated with?

  • Currently we are affiliated with Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit, Michigan.  We have a special place in our hearts for Karmanos as that is where Al Knake, the inspiration for The Hero Foundation, was treated and CURED.  (For those of you who don’t know, Al was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January of 2005.  After he underwent the Whipple procedure at Karmanos – and after a year of chemotherapy and radiation – he is alive and well today!)
  • We are working on expanding our partnerships and plan on pairing with hospitals in Lansing and Grand Rapids in the future.

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