Welcome to the 12th annual Hero Foundation Golf Outing!
The outing will take place at White Lake Oaks on Saturday, August 28th, 2021. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. with a shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. Coffee and donuts will be available in the morning. A light lunch will be available on the turn. There will be prizes on the course for longest drive (men and women), closest to the pin (men and women), along with 50/50 and gifts for 1st (and last) place teams.
Due to COVID 19 restrictions, we will not have a banquet following the event. The team scores & prize winners will be posted outside of the venue & will be announced once everyone finishes. We are working on an after-party location for those who feel comfortable attending.
$100 per person includes 18 holes with a cart, breakfast, hot dog / chips / pop at the turn, access to the practice green, and lots of fun! Sponsorship opportunities are available. Please contact Katie Larsen to see how your business can benefit from being a sponsor at The Hero Foundation Golf Outing.
To register & pay securely online, please use the link below:

In addition to helping Michigan families through The Hero Foundation, Katie Larsen spends her days as an Experiential Marketing Consultant, focusing mainly on automotive clients. Katie is married to Joe and has two children, Dylan and Laney. She enjoys days on the boat and nights by the fire.